Protecting Michigan's Auto Insurance Promise


CPAN: Auto insurance companies will continue to win shell game until Michigan gets serious about increasing oversight and requiring transparency

LANSING, Mich.—(Nov. 13, 2019)— John Cornack, president of the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN), issued the following statement in response to today's news that the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) is lowering its vehicle assessment beginning in 2020.  

"All across Michigan, we are hearing reports of auto insurance companies jacking up premiums at renewal, so they can keep their profits high when they are forced to offer savings on Personal Injury Protection insurance next summer. The auto insurance industry-controlled MCCA is looking for a public relations win by reducing your assessment while increasing your bill in other areas--and they still refuse to make their rate-making data public. It's all a shell game, one the auto insurance companies will continue to win until Michigan gets serious about increasing oversight and requiring transparency." 

Scott Swanson